Study in New Zealand
Study in New Zealand – the land of the long white cloud experience a thrilling and exciting study adventure. In New Zealand you can live and study in a safe and beautiful destination. The countries natural beauty, relaxed lifestyle and friendly people, is the reason why New Zealand continues to rank as an ideal study abroad destination for international students. We can offer you free expert advice, tips, and course enrolment services if you want to Study in New Zealand.
Table of Contents
- Why Study in New Zealand?
- Our Free Services to the Study Programs in New Zealand
- Step by step guide to applying to study in NZ
- Education Providers in New Zealand
- Course & Degree Options
- Education System in New Zealand
- Entry & Language Requirements for Studying in New Zealand
- New Zealand Tuition Fees & Living Costs
- Study in New Zealand Testimonials

What does it mean to study in New Zealand?
New Zealand has always welcomed international students to study a subject of their choice in the country. English training, job-savvy courses, outdoor study tours, and internship programs are part of the education that makes studying in New Zealand an attractive proposition.
Studying in New Zealand gives students from all parts of the world a foothold into the international job market. Education is quite a lucrative option for many and the system offers standard learning in all spheres. Most of the programs are job-oriented, keeping in mind the needs of the industries. For instance, tourism is an important industry in this country as students come over each year to take part in adventure sports, bungee jumping, river rafting, and other water sports.
The country’s picturesque beauty also attracts hundreds of pro photographers, videographers, and film-makers. There is also a great need for skilled people, students who are ready to take up industry-required careers and pursue their dream career in New Zealand.
Outdoor Study Programs
The students go on camps, stay at farmlands, or work at a hotel to learn about the mannerisms that is accepted in the country. Tourism and hospitality sector, cuisine jobs, and agro-based jobs are quite lucrative job options for the foreigners. The students learn the New Zealand culture, language, and etiquette while staying in with the New Zealand families. Southern Lake English Centre at Queenstown for instance, is a language school that teaches students from non-English speaking countries to learn the language, communication etiquette, and culture while going on outdoor study program.
Higher Education
Some top universities and technical institutes are placed in North Island. Hundreds of international students enroll each year at University of Auckland, The Auckland University of Technology, and New Zealand College, Auckland. Other universities making the mark are Lincoln University, Massey University, University of Canterbury, University of Otago, University of Waikato, and Victoria University of Wellington.
Each year, students from these institutes bag university grants for various projects that are catered for the tertiary students and post-graduate researchers. Some are on medical science, ecological balance, sustainability, and Maori culture. In fact, the yearly Legatum Prosperity Index has ranked the country as one the top education providers in the world.
Hands-on Learning
New Zealand also ranks one of the top contenders for entrepreneurship and hands-on activity. Wellington Business School, Waikato Institute of Education, Unitec, Northtec, and NMIT are some of the useful and popular colleges in New Zealand that offers internships after completion of a course, semester-end hands-on project, or summer camps.
Students study and work on various vocational courses that allow them to get suitable jobs in New Zealand. Even at a high school level, students are given options to take up courses that make them viable for entry-level vocational jobs. It is even possible to earn credits and study further at universities through these courses.
All in all, from internship programs to vocational trainings, New Zealand offers a perfect platform for foreign students to hone their skills and interests for a formidable career that is suitable in the international market.
Study New Zealand:
For more information regarding our Study New Zealand Services, please contact us.

Why Study in New Zealand?
Discover why New Zealand is a great place to live, work and study.
Study in New Zealand plus live and work in one of the worlds’ least crowded countries! Nothing can prepare you for the beauty of New Zealand, as it is distinctive and different from everything you will know.
Whilst New Zealand is a small and distant destination, it is a unique country in which to study and gain a qualification. While similar in size to the United Kingdom, Japan or California, New Zealand, with its North and South islands, only has a population of 3.8 million, so it’s easy to get away from the crowds. Even in the larger cities and towns you can find open rolling green farmland and sun-soaked golden beaches with blue oceans, safe harbours or majestic snow-covered mountains, glacial valleys, and forests of ancient native trees and giant ferns very close at hand.
New Zealand has diverse scenery and beautiful beaches – more than 15,000 kilometres of them! With stunning mountains, lakes and glacers, it is a scenically breathtaking.
Qualifications for international students in New Zealand
Qualifications framework?
Many of the courses that international students undertake will be covered by the National Qualifications Framework, a system of national qualifications which links 800 different qualifications across almost every industry.
The Framework gives students the ability to plan what, where and how to learn and gives them a clear understanding of what skills and knowledge are needed to succeed in their chosen field.
The Framework provides nationally recognised, consistent standards and qualifications, regardless of where learning and assessment are undertaken.
The Framework has received strong endorsement and support from New Zealand’s
education and training providers, employers and national industry and professional groups. It is also compatible with similar systems being established in the United Kingdom, Europe, South Africa, Australia and North America … and more
All state-owned institutions in New Zealand can determine their own curricula and services, and appoint staff. However, the quality of training and assessment programmes are supervised through the Government’s quality assurance.
The New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA): to approve and monitor training programmes and qualifications offered at polytechnics and private training providers.
It is illegal in New Zealand to use terms like ‘university’,’degree’, ‘polytechnic’, ‘national qualification’ unless approved by a government body.
To further assure such qualifications, New Zealand’s immigration laws prevent an international student from enrolling in a course which is not NZQA approved:
Educational Counselling
All educational institutes must provide counselling services to students. These counsellors help students to determine what they would like from their education and in doing so make an informed decision into course selection. All counsellors are authorized to guide students with their course selections and enrollment procedures.
New Zealand follows a British-based educational system, which means that most academic qualifications earned in New Zealand are recognised at other institutes in English speaking countries.
All New Zealand schools are English speaking environments (although some schools offer Maori language components.)
New Zealand Vice-Chancellors’ Committee: responsible for approving all diplomas, undergraduate and graduate programmes offered by New Zealand universities.
Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics of New Zealand: responsible for overseeing and approving all local qualifications offered at polytechnics
Association of Colleges of Education in New Zealand: responsible for approving and overseeing qualifications offered at Colleges of Education in New Zealand.
All qualifications approved by these organisations will be listed in the New Zealand Register of Quality Assured Qualifications.
New Zealand has top education providers
There is a range of English Language course providers as well as Universities, Colleges and Institutes to choose from in Auckland, Wellington, Dunedin and Christchurch.
All supported education providers must be signatories of the ‘Ministry of Education’s Code of Practise for the Pastoral Care of International Students’, as well as having a New Zealand Qualifications Authority Registration and Accreditation. This qualifications authority also known as the NZQR maintains and regulates the standards for all education qualifications. To find a list of the private training providers registered with the NZQR contact our agents.
New Zealand’s education system is classified as followed:
New Zealand Universities: all are research-based and state-owned. The certificate-to-doctorate courses are provided in the academic year running from March to November academic year. Some may be available the other time.
Institutes of technology and polytechnics (ITPs): ITPs are state-owned with courses being of the same value to university’s. Certificate-to-postgraduate courses run from March to November. Some courses may start in July.
Colleges of education: content and start of courses are similar to university’s.
Private Training Providers (PTEs): a large number of PTEs are providing courses in majors including business, travel or tourism with a timetable similar to tertiary institutions. PTEs must register with the New Zealand Qualifications Authority.
English language providers: both state-owned and private. The flexible timetable-based English courses are offered year around. Many overseas students sit for English for Academic Study courses prior to formal academic courses. English language courses are often undertaken by foreign students preparing for university studies. Even if your English is competent, it is a good idea to enrol. Many universities offer an English for Academic Study course. Courses generally run between four and twelve weeks.
Foundation studies: offered by lots of tertiary institutions and secondary schools. Often those of good English command enroll in short-term foundation or pre-university orientation studies which provide useful information about the national education. Foundation studies are bridging courses that prepare you for the New Zealand educational system. They are usually undertaken by students who do not have the qualifications for tertiary study, or who have limited English skills. Most universities and some secondary schools offer foundation studies.
Secondary schools and colleges: most are state-owned. Some may be single-sex or religion-affiliated. Secondary schools/High Schools are mostly for teenagers so students in years 11 to 13 study towards the National Certificate of Educational Achievement. Academic year runs from February to mid-December with breaks in April, July and September.
State owned institutes are free to attend. Private schools charge a fee for attendance and may be single sex or aligned with a particular religion.
The academic year follows a calendar year, from February till December. Students enjoy a two week break in April, July and September and a longer break over summer, from mid December till the beginning of February.
Year levels are named accordingly, and most high schools start with Year Nine (for students, typically aged thirteen, in their ninth year of schooling) and end with Year Thirteen (for students, typically nineteen, in their thirteenth year of schooling.) Students begin earning their Secondary School Qualification in Year Eleven.
Degrees & Courses in New Zealand
What can you study in New Zealand
You can study English in a language school. Or you can enrol in post-graduate study in one of our universities. You can take courses in a high school, polytechnic, an institute of technology, or a college of education.
State-owned: Universities, polytechnics, colleges of education and wananga (Maori centres of learning) are institutions that have been set up by the Government and approved by the Minister of Education. They are government funded and market responsive institutions that offer programmes of study and research in demand by both domestic and international students. All of these institutions, universities, polytechnics, colleges of education offer a variety of qualifications including degrees that share the same quality assurance status.
Privately owned: As well as state-owned education providers there are approximately 860 private training establishments (PTEs) in New Zealand. These PTE’s are privately owned and funded, although some of their courses attract government funding. They offer a wide variety of courses that lead to qualifications in a large range of vocations from scuba-diving to hospitality to business.
Can I study in New Zealand?
Student Visa
You may need to get a Student Visa and/or Permit to study in New Zealand as an international student.
Some people do need a student visa, some people don’t. But, most international students will need a permit that sets out the conditions of their stay here. Before you check whether you’re eligible for a visa, find out whether you need one because… If the course you want to take runs for less than three months, you could apply for a visitor’s visa. You must ensure your course is NZQA approved.
To be eligible for a Student Visa or Permit you need to have an offer of a place from a New Zealand education provider.
To meet the New Zealand Immigration Service requirements, an offer of a place made by a New Zealand education provider must include:
- the name of the course and the minimum time required for completing it
- proof that the course and course provider meet New Zealand’s requirements for international students
- the amount of the fee for the complete course, or, if the course is longer than one year, the annual fee
- whether or not the student has to pay course fees.
What is required – Students
To be eligible to come to New Zealand as a student your course must meet the New Zealand requirements for international students. And there are requirements you must meet as a student.
What are the requirements my course has to meet?
The most important requirement is that you have an offer of a place from a New Zealand education provider such as a school, polytechnic or university. Study programmes offered to international students must meet specific course requirements
What requirements do I have to meet?
There are a number of general requirements you need to meet before you get here and others you must meet during your stay.
If I’m joining my family temporarily can I study in New Zealand?
Partners and dependent children of New Zealand citizens or residents and holders of work Permits who wish to study here. Find out more.
Student requirements
To be eligible to come to New Zealand as a student there are a number of conditions you need to meet before you get here and others you must meet during your stay.
Before you get here…
To enter New Zealand you need:
- to have an offer of a place from a New Zealand education provider such as a school, polytechnic or university
- evidence that you’ve arranged accommodation through the education provider or through another person
- a guardian who is eligible to accompany you, if required
- to be in good health and of good character.
- If your stay is longer than six months, in some cases you may need to complete a TB clearance. And if it’s longer than two years, you’ll have to provide medical and police certificates
a passport that’s valid for at least three months past the date you are to leave New Zealand - proof that you plan to leave New Zealand once you’ve completed your study
proof that:
- you’ve paid any course fees that you’re required to pay or
- you’re exempt from paying fees or
- you have a scholarship or an award that covers your fee
proof that you have enough money to support yourself during your stay - to have the right visa for your visit.
While you’re here…
If you’re granted a Student Permit you need to meet certain conditions during your stay:
- attend the place of study noted in your permit. However you can apply to us to change your course or the institution. Want to know more?
- live with your guardian, if required
- make progress in your study – pass your course
- you may only undertake work allowed by your Student Permit
- keep within New Zealand’s laws
- stay in New Zealand for the time allowed by your permit.
If you break any of these conditions, the New Zealand Immigration Service may revoke your permit!
Do you want to Study in New Zealand without IELTS? We will explain to you the conditions you’d have to fulfill to be able to give the IELTS a miss. If you can’t sit your IELTS exam in your home country, many language schools offer IELTS preparation courses. If you require further information about the programs, IELTS tests or entry requirements, please contact our International team!
The New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) has put in place certain exemptions to IELTS by non-university tertiary education providers for international students whose first language is not English.
Study New Zealand:
For more information regarding our Study New Zealand Services, please contact us.
Entry and language requirements for studying in New Zealand
Before you can enrol at a New Zealand educational institution, you first need to provide evidence of your academic and English speaking abilities. These requirements differ according to the institute and level of study (obviously, a university is going to have higher standards than a secondary school.)
Secondary Schools generally accept English speakers of all abilities. The school will assess your abilities and place you in appropriate classes.
Universities require a certain level of English speaking proficiency. This can differ between institutes. Nearly all New Zealand universities accept International English Language Testing System (IELTS) and Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) scores as evidence of your ability. An IELTS score of 6.0 or a TOEFL score of 500 is the usual bare minimum requirement.
Some universities will accept previous study undertaken in English in place of IELTS or TOEFL scores. You can also supply proof of a pass in English in the New Zealand Bursary examination, or General Certificate of Education O level examination.
Academically, you must prove that you are able to study at a tertiary level. For undergraduate students, this generally requires a pass mark in your schools
Secondary Schooling Qualification, such as:
- UK A levels
- Hong Kong A levels
- Australian Matriculation Year Twelve Certificate
- Canadian Pre-University Programme
- American SAT scores.
Postgraduate applicants must have a relevant undergraduate degree. For some courses, you may be required to possess and/or maintain a certain grade point average.
New Zealand offers many language schools for foreign students who have basic English skills and can understand the alphabet. These have a running time of anything from two weeks to an academic year.
Students who originate from countries that don’t use the ABC alphabet might prefer the one on one attention of a private tutor.
Tertiary entry requirements
The criteria may vary in relation to entry to tertiary study, this depends on the institution that has been chosen by the student. In most respects or cases where students are under the age of 21 sufficient evidence will need to be proved that the student is reasonably proficient at English or evidence of your English test score.
Sufficient evidence of qualifications will need to be provided in relations to certain level of study, such as:
- A New Zealand ‘B’ Bursary or better, or NCEA Level 3
- GCSE ‘A’ Levels
- STPM (Malaysia)
- Hong Kong ‘A’ Levels
- Australian Matriculation Year 12 Certificate
- Canadian Pre – University Programme
- Latin American students entry is determined by the institution.
In relation to your qualification assessment you will be advised by your institution, if you require your qualifications to be asses by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority. The assessment costs of NZ$450. You may download the form from the NZQA website. The standard assessment process will take up to 8 weeks, these timelines are subject to a number of provisions and you should view full details of assessment timeline before you decide to proceed.
It is your responsibility to provide original documents or certified photocopies of 1 of the following information;
- International English Language Testing System (IELTS) band score of 6 with no band less than 5.5. The IELTS is used in various tertiary institutions in United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand and North America. This assesses your ability to speak, listen, read and write in relation to the academic or general training context. This was developed and managed by the University of Cambridge, the British Council and IDP Education Australia.
- A Pass in English in the New Zealand Bursary examination or NCEA Level 3
- A Pass in English in the General Certificate of Education (GCE) ‘O’ level examination
- A TOEFL ( Princeton Test of English as a Foreign Language) paper test (not the computer test) score of 550 and a TWE (Test of Written English) score of 4 (paper – based test) or 213, Essay rating 4.0 (Computer – based test)
- Grade C3 or above in Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) English 322
- Other recognised English proficiency test, copies of either your public examination certificates or your latest school, university or college transcripts.
If you require any further help please talk to us about exact requirements.
Recognition of Prior Learning
Please contact us about cross credits and exemptions.
- For secondary schools, the admission criteria normally includes English language proficiency and academic background plus any extra-curricular pursuits.
- For tertiary institutions, the entry criteria normally includes English language proficiency and academic qualifications and background that determine your suitability for your preferred course. Your qualifications may need to be assessed by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority.
Besides your academic qualifications, your work experience and life experience may also be taken into consideration. This is called RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning).
Study New Zealand:
For more information regarding our Study New Zealand Services, please contact us.
The language of instruction at most New Zealand institutions is English and you may have to provide documentary evidence of language proficiency in any one of the following ways:
- An IELTS (International English Language Testing System) band score of 6 with no band no less than 5.5
- A pass in the New Zealand bursary examination (NCEA Level 2)
- A pass in English in the GCE (General Certificate of Education) ‘O’ level examination
- A TOEFL (Princeton test of English as a foriegn language)
- Grade C3 or above in SP3 (Suli Pejaran Malaysia)
- Or some other English language proficiency test
The language requirements for schools may differ as they may also take beginners. English language schools offer tuition from beginners to advanced and private tuition can also be arranged.
For more information, please contact us!
Students planning to study at a high school, college, university, or vocational institute must attain a certain level of proficiency in English. There are various English-testing exams conducted throughout the world to check the standard of English.
Importance of English Proficiency for International Students to Study in New Zealand
Students coming from non-English speaking countries who would like to study in New Zealand must attain a certain score in an English testing assessment, such as International English Testing System (IELTS), TOEFL, or Cambridge Tests. The expected score depends on the institute, subject, and degree that the student has applied for studying.
Although the educational department has stipulated English competency levels for each degree that must be attained by international students, many institutes, especially universities have their own standard as well that must also be met for admission. The requirement also changes depending on the course the student wishes to study.
While IELTS Academic and TOEFL test results are usually accepted by all education providers, other tests (e.g. Cambridge Tests) might not be accepted. Therefore you need to check with your institute, which tests you can do to be accepted.
English Testing Assessments
IELTS is not the only benchmarking test to assess English competency. There are others in the group as well. To study a pre-degree course, certificate, diploma or Foundation courses, usually an IELTS (Academic) of 5.5 with no subtest below 5.0 is enough to be accepted. Undergraduate degrees require usually an IELTS (Academic) score of 6.0 with no sub-test below 5.5. A student with an Internet-based-TOEFL score must attain at least 80 points. For Postgraduate courses, students must usually acquire at least 6.5 average score (no sub-test below 6.0 or 90 in Internet-based-TOEFL. However, please keep in mind that these are only guidelines and each institute can set higher requirements.
Students taking up vocational courses at colleges or polytechnics as well as at university must be eligible for a minimum level of English language competency. English is a must to understand lectures, books, and customer requirements while at work.
When Minimum Score Not Met
There are occasions when students meet academic qualifications but fail to acquire the minimum score in their English test. In fact, there may be occasions where students get the “letter of offer” from the institute but cannot study as their English proficiency is too low. For such students, bridging courses in English are conducted. English bridging courses can be for duration of 3 to 9 months. They are usually offered fulltime as students come on a student visa.
There are many language schools which offer different types of English learning courses. Some schools arrange for English testing assessments, in other schools the student is responsible to arrange it himself.
Study English in New Zealand
Many students study English in an intensive course in a regular classroom environment on a Student visa in New Zealand, to improve their English fast in a very short time. Alternatively students can study short terms (up to 3 months) on a Visitor Visa or 3-6 months on a Working Holiday Visa.
To save living costs, many students choose to work part-time as Demi Pairs next to their English studies. In this way they improve their English even faster through learning English at school and practicing English within their New Zealand family in the afternoon and weekend by living in an English speaking environment.
Popular language schools helping international students to be proficient in English include Dominion English Schools, Fern Language School, Kaplan International College, New Zealand Language Centres, Southern Lake English Centre, University of Otago Language School, and NZLA Auckland.
If you are planning to hone your English competency to study abroad in New Zealand, check with our student adviser for a convenient course.
- Secondary school fees are generally around NZ$10,000 a year.
- Vocational courses usually cost between NZ$ 18,000 and 24,000 per year tuition fee. Courses are offered from 6 months and can be booked for 6 months, 1 year, or 2 years.
- Bachelor Degrees cost between NZ$ 20,000 – 40,000 per year and take 3 or 4 years.
- Master Degrees usually take 2 years and cost between NZ$ 24,000 and 40,000 per year tuition fee.
On top you need to have at least NZ$ 15,000 – 20,000 per year for living costs in NZ.
In order to apply you usually need to show that you have enough money to pay for your first year tuition fee, living costs and a return flight to your home country. This amount will be more if you come with your family.
Find out more on the page: Costs of Living New Zealand
Each University provides quality service and support to its students through the efforts of range of departments and providing information for visitors including governance and management, organisational structure and units where you can put your strategic policies and plans to fruition. The timetable for University students is split into 2 semesters for around 12 weeks each, with 2-week break during the semester and a 6-week break in the middle of the year. Students may use the break periods for study and research or just relax and catch up with friends.
The University year period begins in late February or early March witch ends in October of each year.
Most university courses are full year courses
A possibility to start University study in July is acceptable
Classes are held Monday to Friday, with well equipped library and resource centre witch are designed to provide a high level of support to the learning programs with services open on weekends.
Exams sometimes take place on a Saturday.
In relation to some Universities where summer school courses from November to February, which reduces number of years to take to complete a degree.
Each semester begins with an action-packed orientation week featuring live music and events where loads of information is provided for students before they commence courses, this is a great time to meet other colleagues and expand your knowledge in education.
If you wish to claim subject exemptions, you must do so when you enrol. To do this you must send evidence of you examined knowledge of course content with certified copies of this evidence.
Academic support is provided to students in relation to subject relation and career choice.
Institutes of technology and polytechnics
Institutes of technology and polytechnics have two semesters – February to June and July to November – where holidays are similar to secondary schools. Some half-year courses start in July.
Private Training Establishments
Most run on a time table similar to state tertiary institutions
Language schools run all year.
Courses may be as short as 1 or 2 weeks or as long as a whole academic year, classes run Monday to Friday. Sometimes there are extra – curricular activities and outings at the weekend.
So why don’t come and see what New Zealand offers where you can study in the most beautiful and varied landscapes on earth that offers a distinct culture and heritage for you to lean and discover.
General commencement dates
Secondary schools run on four ten-week terms, starting in February and ending in mid-December. There are two-week holiday breaks in April, July and September. Normally, classes are held Monday to Friday from 8.45am to 3.15pm with an hour of lunch break.
The New Zealand university calendar begins in late February or early March and includes the orientation week and ends in October. International students should note that each university has its own timetable. Classes are normally held from Monday to Friday.
Technical institutes and polytechnics have two semesters, February to June and July to November. Language classes run all-year round and may have no fixed duration. Classes normally run from Monday to Friday.
Daylight savings
Daylight savings start on the first Sunday of October in every calendar year and ends on the third Sunday of March when clocks are wound back one hour.
Study New Zealand:
For more information regarding our Study New Zealand Services, please contact us.
How to Study in New Zealand
Our role is to help students quickly and successfully achieve their New Zealand education goals using our proven free international student services, expert multi-lingual counsellors and our relationships with key education institutions throughout New Zealand. We recommend the following steps:
- Planning Your Study
Read the information under this heading and throughout the relevant sections of our website to understand the study options suitable for you.
- Complete Online Enquiry Form
This form gives us your personal information and you have the opportunity to ask questions to help you decide on your study plan. Proceed to complete the Application section when ready.
- Choosing a School or Institution
We will advise you what institutions are most likely to meet your requirements and will help you to select the best school or institution for you. Decide what institutions you prefer.
- Enrolment Application and documents
Your education counselor will review and discuss with you your Study New Zealand plan if necessary and then make an Enrolment Application to your nominated institution. We will also advise you if further information or documentation is needed to support your application.
The following documents will usually be required for your application:
– Certified copies of all your academic transcripts and/or work experience endorsed by an appropriate person, for example, school results certified by the school principal. If your documentation is in a language other than English, an official certified translation must be provided.
– Evidence that you meet the English language requirements (IELTS test scores etc).
– If you are applying for credit for previous studies, you must complete the credit transfer section on the undergraduate application form. You’ll need documents to support your application for credit, including certified copies of all official transcripts or results from previous studies, plus copies of the subject syllabuses.
Postgraduate degrees by coursework
The following documents must accompany your application form:
– Certified copies of all your academic transcripts and/or work experience endorsed by an appropriate person, for example, academic results endorsed by your former academic institution. If your documentation is in a language other than English, an official certified translation must be provided.
– Evidence that you meet the English language requirements (IELTS test scores etc).
Postgraduate degrees by research
Two copies of the following documents must accompany your application form:
– Certified copies of all your academic transcripts and/or work experience endorsed by an appropriate person, for example, academic results endorsed by your former academic institution. If your documentation is in a language other than English, an official certified translation must be provided.
– Evidence that you meet the English language requirements (IELTS test scores etc).
– Curriculum vitae/resume detailing your work and personal history.
– An outline of your proposed research.
– Evidence of any government support or scholarship or your own financial sitution. - Offer of Place
The institution will send us an Offer of Place confirming your acceptance and enrolment. The Offer of Place will detail the course, tuition fee, course dates and any conditions you must fill before you can begin study. Normally we will obtain your Offer of Place within 2 weeks.
- Fee Payment and Student Visa
All fees are to be paid to the institutions account detailed on the fee invoice in NZ$. Your education cousnellor will advise you on the steps to apply for your student visa. We will help with you to complete and lodge your student visa application. Visa processing can take from 2 to 12 weeks depending on the location.
- Travel Plans and Arrival in New Zealand
You can now make arrangements to travel to New Zealand. It is important to review the course/semester timetable to ensure you arrive just before your course commencement date. You can contact your counselor to discuss your travel arrangements and we will organise your airport meeting, accommodation, medical insurance and other requirements ready for your arrival.
Study New Zealand Agency Free Student Services
We offer free Study New Zealand advice!
International Student Services/Study New Zealand Services: Regardless of your educational background or age, we can provide you with the necessary information and support to help make your Study New Zealand experience unforgettable! With our experience of the New Zealand education system, applicants of all ages and education achievements can be assured to receive the best services and knowledge of the New Zealand education system, and excellent opportunities for international students.
Benefits when you apply to study in New Zealand through Go To New Zealand – we can help with:
- Free relocation services (assistance with finding Accommodation, Health Insurance, Bank Accounts, Public Transport, Student Benefits) Preparation of all your application forms – you only need one set of documents for all your applications (Certified copies of your academic and work results, references, original English test results etc.)
- Translation of your documents, organising additional certified copies and submitting your educational applications for free! We also offer on-going support after your application has been submitted
- Support on student visa issues – such as application, extension or renewal.
- Information on internships, work placements and work experience in New Zealand, and information on how to get New Zealand qualifications recognized overseas (Credit Transfer)
- Complete support on all New Zealand-related questions (e.g. Finding shared accommodation, pet travel arrangements, finding child-care facilities, etc)
- On-Arrival Service (Airport pickup/transfer if required, accommodation, student support)
- Emergency Contact at all times
- Dedicated personal contact during your entire stay in New Zealand
To help you fully, we are dedicated education agents, we are here to answer all your questions and help with issues during your stay.
Are you thinking about studying or working in either New Zealand or Australia? If so, you have come to the right place!
At Go To New Zealand, many of our team members have already had related experiences with either studying, traveling or working in either New Zealand or Australia. Therefore, our team understand that there are heaps of things to be done before, during and even after your exciting adventure!
If you would like to be educated in one of the worlds’ best locations, explore the breathtaking sites, and become acquainted with one of the friendliest people of the world, then start planning your trip to New Zealand or Australia today!
Our Services (FREE of charge)
It doesn’t matter how old you are and what educational or cultural background you have, our knowledgeable and experienced staff at Go To New Zealand are able to provide on-going support for you before, during and after your stay in New Zealand or Australia.
Our services are as listed below. However, if you have any queries at all, please do not hesitate to contact one of our friendly staff via email or telephone.
Go To New Zealand can help you with:
1) Program selection and application
2) International and National flight information
3) Organisation of English tests
4) Document translation and foreign certificate verification
5) Visa application, extension or renewal
6) Finding accommodation
7) Healthcare information
8) Opening bank accounts
9) Internship/ Workplacement information
New Zealand Universities and polytechnics
New Zealand is recognised as an outstanding provider of excellent education with a world-class international education system in place. This excellent reputation is reflected by the rapidly growing number of international student population.
There are 8 universities in New Zealand and they offer a wide range of studies at various levels from foundation studies through to PhDs. However, if you are looking for institutions that provide a more practical and hands on training, then New Zealand polytechnics may just be the thing for you. There are currently about 17 polytechnics in New Zealand.
If you are interested in furthering your studies and developing skills in a country where quality education is provided and continually improved, if you are looking for a second to none lifestyle and if you would like to experience the unique culture and history of New Zealand; don’t wait any longer, Contact us today!
Our friendly staff at Go To New Zealand will do our best to ensure that your travelling and Study New Zealand experience will be one of the most positive highlights of your life!