The University of Otago is a public university in Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand. We offer free enrolment services for the University of Otago.

Meet the English language entry requirement at the University of Otago
Passing English for Otago papers will meet the English language entry requirement at the University of Otago for students who want to study at undergraduate or postgraduate level.
The course is internally assessed so there is no need for students to sit an IELTS Examination. Students should already have
- an offer from admissions
- at the International Office The next course starts on 16 March and finishes on 25
- June in time for student to start study at Otago in the Second Semester.
Another course will start on 29 October and will finish on the 9th February in time for students to start study at Otago in First Semester.
University of Otago Foundation Year
English for Foundation Year - This course is ideal for students who would like to study at the University.
This course is ideal for students who would like to study at the University of Otago Foundation Year, but have not met the English language requirements for direct admission. English for Foundation Year is a 12 week course. If students pass the assessments and tests, they are not required to sit an IELTS examination.
The first part of the course includes general English, which will involve grammar,vocabulary, writing, reading, listening, speaking and academic English focusing on reading and writing.
If students are successful they move onto the second part of the course where they choose either the Science stream or the Commerce/Arts stream. If they pass the course they will move into the full Foundation Year course in time for the February or June intake.
This year we are offering new streams at Foundation Year and all streams have been rewritten to meet the needs of both domestic and international students so that they may be better prepared for university study.
A Foundation Year student may choose one of several streams. Within each stream, students will take ten papers.
We have two Student Deans (Simon Chu and Val Rowe) who can advise students of the best choice of stream leading to undergraduate university study.
If your student is unsure of what to study please ask them to contact us for advice or talk to us on their behalf. All streams include the two compulsory papers, Academic English I and II.
The streams include:
- Arts
- Applied Science
- Business/Commerce
- Design (Arts) – New
- Design (Science) – New
- Health Sciences
- Life Science
- Physical Education (Arts) – New
- Physical Education (Science) - New
Detailed information on each stream available at Foundation Year and what undergraduate degree they may lead to is available in the prospectus or at:
Apply now and learn English in New Zealand!
University of Otago Testimonial
Sunghopark from : D E A G U , K O R E A
Background : K Y U N G P O O K U N I V E R S I T Y , B A C H E L O R O F
Studying : U N I V E R S I T Y O F O T A G O L A N G U A G E C E N T R E
I have made many friends from all over the world at the Language Centre. We go together to bars and restaurants in the city and it is really great. I have been able to meet people from Japan, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, Oman and Vietnam. We can make friends very easily.
I love the Language Centre, as there are just a few students in each class. Here there are many students from different countries.
I can learn about their cultures and I love this. I study grammar in English, and conversation and essay writing practice has been very helpful.
I like my teachers; they understand me and are very friendly and fun. The activities at the Language Centre have been enjoyable. I am looking forward to going to the chocolate factory and visiting Queenstown.
Next year I will graduate and I am thinking about postgraduate studies. To Korean students, Dunedin is a very beautiful city, the people are very kind and the Language Centre is great.”
University of Otago - News
University of Otago Language School is now registering pupils for the Foundation Year Bridging Course under the category, Intake 1. Those who do not have the required 5.5 IELTS score or have academic marks 10 percent less than the required number, can take up this bridging course to pursue their further studies. Students who miss the registration date would need to furnish late fees to enroll for the course. International students need to produce their passport, evidence of fulfilling conditions for the course, and financial guarantee. To know more about the course and the start date, inform our student adviser.